Monday, October 11, 2010

Writing Clues for Overseas Students. (Part 1)

Writing Clues for Overseas Students. (Part 1)

In my profile, I stated that I had worked as an English as a Second Language Teacher Overseas. I have helped hundred of students abroad to learn American English with the Natural Approach System. In fact, I truly enjoyed doing it, and at this point, I really miss not doing it since I became a disabled lady. I have a positive attitude towards life, and this kind of inner inspiration is inspired directly from our dear Lord, Jesus Christ, my God and my Savior. I love to help others in need of help, and to communicate with the outside world in different manners.

In this blog, I happily announce that I shall combine different topics not only in English, but also in Spanish in order to be in contact with a broader line of readers Online in the Internet Blogosphere. I write my poetry and my stories in Spanish as well. I hope and pray that my help will be helpful for many readers. Enjoy the readings!

This one is just the beginning of many writing assignments, and the first title that I assign for the first topic of writing tips is: "Writing Clues for Overseas Students. (Part 1). As the following issues will go on, I prefer to use a shorter title such as: Clues 2, Clues 3, Clues 4, and so on and so forth. I have gathered reading materials from different sources such as my own College teacher's journals. My attempt is to reach Overseas students with some kind of background in English, otherwise it will be hard for them to reach the understanding of the topics. Now, I shall begin with the lessons...

No matter how many ideas it may contain, a sentence must always express a complete thought. There are three types of sentence: simple, compound, and complex.

The Simple Sentence expresses one idea only. It has one subject and one predicate. Example: The man (subject) knocked at the door (predicate).

The Compound Sentence contains more than one idea. In this type of sentence all the ideas expressed have an equal value. Example: The man knocked at the door and waited for an answer.

The Complex Sentence contains one main idea (called the main clause) and one or more secondary ideas (called subordinate clauses). Example: As soon as he arrived at the house (subordinate clause), the man knocked at the door (main clause).

Dear Readers: Thank you for joining and reading my blogs!! Kind Regards, Starry Dawn.

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