Sunday, October 17, 2010


Viajes en el Tiempo X.
Doña Paulina y Doña Rosa se conocieron un día en la calle. Paulina -que era una mujer joven y se consideraba feminista- solía contarle sus historias personales a Doña Rosa -que ya era una mujer bastante mayor en edad- en el viejo parque en donde se conocieron y se encontraban a menudo. Doña Rosa hacía lo mismo de contar acerca de su vida, y lo conversaban todo...
"Cuando era chica me gustaba jugar a los pistoleros del lejano oeste americano y a todas esas cosas que jugaban los chicos de mi época. Lo sorprendente fue que cuando crecí quería seguir jugando a lo mismo, pero ésta vez con armas de verdad..." Le contaba Doña Paulina a Doña Rosa.
"De chica, ya escribía narraciones de intriga y suspenso en mis antiguos cuadernos, y mis padres al observar mi talento oculto me compraron un teatro de títeres. Yo escribía las historias, y las representaba yo misma haciendo mover y hablar a los títeres, pues quería que cobraran vida al yo darle ese impulso a cada uno con su papel previamente asignado." Seguía hablando Doña Paulina.
"Mis padres festejaban mis cumpleaños en nuestro departamento cuando yo era chica, y muchas niñas del colegio estaban invitadas. El teatro de títeres, el prestidigitador o mago, el payaso y el teatro de títeres era el centro de atención en mis fiestitas infantiles, y todas mis amiguitas disfrutábamos de nuestra inocente y linda niñez. También sentía fascinación por los dibujos animados, y el maravilloso mundo para los niños que había creado Walt Disney. El mundo infantil de ir al colegio primario, estar con mis compañeritas y estudiar, verdaderamente me encantaba porque éramos auténticamente criaturas muy inocentes," decía Doña Paulina a Doña Rosa que la escuchaba atentamente.
"Sin embargo, ese mundo inocente de niña era perturbado por mis pesadillas nocturnas que básicamente estaban compuestas por el terror, la violencia y las persecuciones como verdaderas premoniciones o presagios del futuro. Alguien o más de uno me perseguían en mis pesadillas para matarme. No comprendía la realidad del mundo exterior, y nadie me explicaba los por qué. Los ejemplos y modelos roles de familia no existieron en mi infancia. No entendía tampoco por qué muchos hombres jugaban con sus cuerpos expuestos en las calles con la prescencia de gente en general y de niñas también, o miraban estúpidamente ante calendarios u otras cosas con figuras femeninas sin ropa. No entendía de qué se trataba lo que estaban haciendo esos hombres pervertidos, pero me parecía asqueroso y me repugnaba. Así -poco a poco- comenzó la historia de mis miedos, sintiendo miedo por los hombres incluyendo su violencia y su persecución.
Iba a un Colegio Cristiano Católico, y todas las mañanas las niñas íbamos a la Capilla del Colegio. Yo particularmente, pertenecía al coro de la Iglesia junto con un pequeño grupo que cantaba música sacra en las Misas con la niña que tocaba el Órgano. Me sentía muy cómoda allí, en la casa del Señor, entonces le pedía a Dios que me señalara el camino cuando yo creciera como adulta, porque sentía en mi corazón que frente a mí yacía un mundo desconocido.
El temor hacia lo desconocido ha sido desde ese entonces mi fiel compañero. Comenzé a reaccionar violentamente, y le tiraba piedras o cosas, o agredía verbalmente a cuantas personas me hicieran sentir agredida de alguna manera. Mi mamá dejaba pasar todo desapercibidamente sin reaccionar violentamente ante nada, o tal vez poniéndose a llorar o sentirse deprimida, porque no quería discutir con nadie, entonces consecuentemente mi mamá dejaba que otras personas violaran sus propios derechos humanos. Mi querida mamá no era agresiva, pues era muy tranquila. Pero yo no era de ese modo, o más bien, me transformaron en otro ser diferente al haberme atacado tanto. Nunca podría aceptar un mundo corrupto, asqueroso, podrido, plagado de pedófilos y pervertidos moralmente...
Tú sábes, Doña Rosa, yo me fui lejos de mis padres, lejos de la casa de mi mamá en donde nací, desde hacía mucho tiempo. Mi mamá se quedó sola cuando yo me fui a vivir a una ciudad muy grande de Estados Unidos donde había planeado formar mi nueva familia. Mi mamá entonces, quedó muy vulnerable, y un grupo de salvajes carniceros la mataron." Doña Rosa quedó totalmente sorprendida.
"Y así, Rosa, empezaron a generarse en mi corazón de niña y de jovencita los sentimientos de venganza y mi habilidad de ya no poder confiar en nadie."
Doña Paulina -ahora- había regresado para vengarse de todos y de todo cuanto hubiere lastimado a su querida familia o a ella, tanto ayer como hoy.
Una mujer totalmente diferente y con sentimientos dormidos había nacido.
Gracias por leer mis historias.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


I used to live and teach American English abroad...
I would like to share the recollection of my experience, so that others may benefit with it. The aim of these lessons is to provide the overseas student with a wide variety of suitable material with practice and progress for essay and composition. The subject-matter is so arranged that the student will be able to work systematically at the writing of English with proficiency in continous prose over a long period of time. A great number of clues, written exercises and topics will help students to develop and acquire a solid background and experience in order to achieve their writing personal goals.
The seed of good ideas will make a good harvest. A flourishing title should be the first door to enhance a thought provoking story enclosed which may engage the reader's eyes at first glance. The way you set up your framework and lie the tale in an interesting manner will be the key, the open door to a successful and promising writing career.
Good Luck!!
Starry Dawn.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Soñar es vivir un mundo interior
donde albergas todo lo que sueñas.
Tu corazón late de emoción
Cuando encuentras en tus sueños la verdad.
Cada día es una nueva realidad
Que se abre en tu mundo nuevo de hoy.
Si lloras esas gratas horas pasadas,
Encuentra el consuelo en el mañana.
Soñar es vivir esa quietud temprana
Que llega hasta el alma el despertar.
Descubrir en cada amanecer,
Un comienzo nuevo de vivir.
Una nueva rosa hará tu corazón latir.
Cierra tus ojos y sueña sueños de papel.
Sueña vivir en un mundo mejor,
Compartir una hermandad llena de amor.
Soñar es vivir, ya deja atrás el dolor.
Abre tus ojos, y sueña vivir en un mundo mejor.
Autora: Starry.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Writing Clues for Overseas Students. (Part 1)

Writing Clues for Overseas Students. (Part 1)

In my profile, I stated that I had worked as an English as a Second Language Teacher Overseas. I have helped hundred of students abroad to learn American English with the Natural Approach System. In fact, I truly enjoyed doing it, and at this point, I really miss not doing it since I became a disabled lady. I have a positive attitude towards life, and this kind of inner inspiration is inspired directly from our dear Lord, Jesus Christ, my God and my Savior. I love to help others in need of help, and to communicate with the outside world in different manners.

In this blog, I happily announce that I shall combine different topics not only in English, but also in Spanish in order to be in contact with a broader line of readers Online in the Internet Blogosphere. I write my poetry and my stories in Spanish as well. I hope and pray that my help will be helpful for many readers. Enjoy the readings!

This one is just the beginning of many writing assignments, and the first title that I assign for the first topic of writing tips is: "Writing Clues for Overseas Students. (Part 1). As the following issues will go on, I prefer to use a shorter title such as: Clues 2, Clues 3, Clues 4, and so on and so forth. I have gathered reading materials from different sources such as my own College teacher's journals. My attempt is to reach Overseas students with some kind of background in English, otherwise it will be hard for them to reach the understanding of the topics. Now, I shall begin with the lessons...

No matter how many ideas it may contain, a sentence must always express a complete thought. There are three types of sentence: simple, compound, and complex.

The Simple Sentence expresses one idea only. It has one subject and one predicate. Example: The man (subject) knocked at the door (predicate).

The Compound Sentence contains more than one idea. In this type of sentence all the ideas expressed have an equal value. Example: The man knocked at the door and waited for an answer.

The Complex Sentence contains one main idea (called the main clause) and one or more secondary ideas (called subordinate clauses). Example: As soon as he arrived at the house (subordinate clause), the man knocked at the door (main clause).

Dear Readers: Thank you for joining and reading my blogs!! Kind Regards, Starry Dawn.

Sunday, October 10, 2010



La soledad es una enfermedad
Que carcome el alma.
Déjeme decirle, senora,
Yo he conocido de eso,
Hoy, ayer y en esa hora.
La soledad es una marca en la distancia,
Que pone el tiempo cuando calla.
La lluvia cae, la luna sale o amanece el día.
Casi no recuerdo cuántas veces caía el alba,
Golpeaba la noche, o una madre reía.

La soledad es una cruel trampa
Que nos atormenta el alma.
Déjeme decirle, senora,
Yo he conocido de eso y he visto
a mi madre llorar ayer y en esa hora.

La soledad, hoy le toca a usted.
Vé cómo duele, grita y cómo lastima.
Es más, ya nadie la oye pues es sordomuda.
Déjeme decirle, senora,
Yo he conocido de eso hoy, ayer y en esa hora.




Shannon packed a small suitcase, said goodbye to her mother and hurried out of the house to catch the bus to the station. There was no one else waiting at the bus stop, so it looked as if a bus had just left. Shannon looked at her watch anxiously: it was already two o`clock. Her train left at two-thirty, and since it would take at least twenty minutes to reach the station, she did not have much time to spare, even if a bus came along at once.

Just then a taxi came slowly down the road. Shannon knew that the fare to the station was at least five dollars, which was more than she could afford; but she quickly made up her mind that it would be well worth the extra expense in order to be sure of catching her train. So she stopped the taxi and got in. She told the driver that she had to catch a train which left at half past two. The man nodded and said that he would take a short cut to get her to the station in good time.

All went well until, just as they were coming out a side-street into the main road that led to the station, the taxi ran into a car. There was a loud crash and Shannon was thrown forward, so violently that she hit her head on the front seat. Both drivers got out and began shouting at each other. Shannon got out as well, to ask them to stop quarrelling, but neither of them took any notice of her at all.
Shannon was now quite sure that she was going to miss her train, although she was not very far from the station. She was wondering what to do when a bus came into sight, going in the direction of the station. The bus stop was not far off, so Shannon got her suitcase out of the taxi and ran towards the bus, which had stopped to let some passangers get off. The bus driver saw her running and did not ring the bell for the bus to start until she had got on. Shannon reached the station just in time and managed to catch her train after all. But if she had waited for the taxi driver to stop arguing, she would probably have missed her train.

Monday, October 4, 2010



Don Jones, the mailman, whistled cheerfully as he pushed his bicycle up the hill towards old Mrs. Dougherty's house. His work for the day was almost finished; his bag, usually quite heavy when he set out on his round, was empty now except for the letter that he had to deliver to Mrs. Dougherty. She lived over a mile from the village so that, when Don had a letter for her, he always finished his day's work much later. He did not mind this, however, because she never failed to ask him in for a cup of tea.
When Don entered the gate of Mrs. Dougherty's house, he was surprised not to find her working in her garden. She usually spent most afternoons there when the weather was fine. Don went straight round to the back of the house, thinking that she might be in the kitchen. The door was locked and the curtains were drawn. Puzzled, he returned to the front of the house and knocked hard on the door. There was no answer. Don thought that this was very strange because he knew that Mrs. Dougherty rarely left the house.
Just then he noticed that her bottle of milk, which was delivered early in the morning, was still on the doorstep. This worried him. If Mrs. Dougherty had not taken in her milk, perhaps she was ill. Don walked round the house until he found an open window. It was small, but he managed to squeeze through. He went into the hall. There he almost fell over Mrs. Dougherty, who was lying at the foot of the stairs, unconscious. Realising that there was little he could do for her, Don rushed out of the house, stopped a passing car and told the driver to phone for an ambulance as soon as he got to the village.
Thank you for reading!!